School based chiropractic care


"To offer holistic chiropractic care within schools in order to help our community thrive and help staff and students have their best days while at school.”

Our Services

We provide on-site, holistic chiropractic care within the CFAUSD and OFSD as a convenient way to improve learning and work environments by promoting the health of the nervous system, reducing stored stress, and improving the quality of day to day LIVING.

Our Why

By providing on-site chiropractic care, we are able to reach our community in a greater capacity. We believe that chiropractic care plays a key role in helping people to thrive and improve their abilities to learn and work.

Our Research

We are keeping meticulous data in hopes to publish some of our work. Our goal is to demonstrate the benefits of having chiropractic care on-site for employers, employees, teachers, and students. We’ve seen great benefits and are excited to share!


We are a proud affiliate of Cook Chiropractic, LLC.

Visit for information on our Chippewa Falls practice!
